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So the game will be released eventually but not on and there is no way to get a refund since emails send to the person who took our money are left unanswered. I can understand health issues and not being able to finish the game, but in that case refunds should have been automatic. It's ridiculous that we even have to ask for refunds. Nevertheless, even if you ask, you will not get your money back. You can only buy the game AGAIN from someone else. Great. 

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the game still available on (the game already available when I type this cmt)

(2 edits) (+3)

Hi Everyone,

Y Press Games took over this game on the condition that Justyna would finish writing the script and provide all line art.  We finally got these materials on December 31st, 2020.  We now have what we need to finish making the game for her.

We're working hard on getting it out as soon as possible.  Our firm date is June of this year, though we're trying to see if we can't bump that up to February.  Fingers crossed!  We know how frustrated everyone is waiting for this.  (We got pretty frustrated too.)

We do not have anything to do with the Kickstarter.  If you want a refund you still must go to Justyna directly.  

Oh, I didn't know this has gone through all these troubles. I didn't preorder or back it, so I wasn't worried about money, but this is one of the projects I was really hyped about, so I'm happy it won't abandonned.

I WILL be honest, I'm not a huge fan of your own games - but that's simply because they don't suit my personal tastes - what I like, is how professional you are and how well you deliver what you do. So I'm quite stoked you'll be working on it, with the orignal dev's scripts and linearts and stuff.

Good luck and have a nice year! I'll be checking for updates!

Does anyone know what happen?
Did anything happen with the developer?

I dont know much but the original creator has been very sick and the game was going to be taken over by Y games. Sadly idk if either group has kept this updated or been keeping track of the game. I actually was super exited to pre order it until i noticed how long its been since updates or interactions.


Will the game still be launched on steam?

hello! may i ask the gameplay time for romancing a character?


just so yall know, theres been a pretty big update here:

tldr; y press (to trust an incubus, morningdew farms) is taking over the project and justyna/lazuli is still on board as the writer. there is no set schedule due to serious health issues mentioned in the post, but ST will be completed :D

(1 edit) (+2)

I do like Y Press games (I have Morningdew Farms and To Trust an Incubus). Just download the demo and will see if I want this game as well

I hope you feel better and I hope you will be able find someone to take over, This is a really good game and it would be a shame that it would go to waist. Good luck and be well <3


I sent you an email for a refund, and that was over a week ago. Please may you respond so I may get a refund?


I've sent 2 emails over a month ago and haven't gotten answers. Shame, I was really excited about the game. I didn't even want my money back necessarily, I just wanted to know if they expected the game to ever be finished. Now it just feels like my money was stolen. 


Same. At least if you're going to take someones money, don't day you're going to refund it and then not follow through

I Preorder now and hope we can get a pre-alpha soon :)

Ooof I hope you get better soon! :) I was starting to wonder if the game had been all together abandon. If the game does release i'm definitely gonna buy!


Hi guys! I'm terribly sorry for the lack of updates. My health hasn't been the best and (without going into painful details) I haven't been able to continue working on the game as fast as I'd have liked. Right now I'm looking for someone who could partially take over so that this game can get made. I put so much love and work into it already, so it would be a shame for it all to go to waste. That said, please contact me if you'd like to cancel your preorder. Once again, I'm sorry to have kept you in the dark for so long!


I would like my money back. I understand you're not well but I don't feel comfortable supporting this project. It's been years now and I would like to cut ties. How can I get a refund?

Of course, I understand. Please write to my email


I didn't preorder yet but still plan to eventually.  I do hope you feel better soon and find someone to help work on the game. Good luck. 

Thank you!


hi! i've been following the development of the game for quite some time and i'm sure it will come out great! and i'm really sorry to hear that you are having health problems. please get better, you have all my support.


I'm starting to want my money back... :(


I'm starting to want my money back... :(


The developer has stopped updating all of her crowdfunding pages and her Twitter account. It would be a bad idea to place a preorder for the time being.

The game looks really good, so it's a shame she seems to have ghosted her supporters.


I so agree. I feel like this comment was a little rude just to give you a heads up but if this game isn't created sooner or later i'm going to want my money back. Sorry

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, just wondering if you have any info on the release or other info? I played the demo and I'm super interested and would love to buy the full version, thanks!

Any time frame for when this will be available?

I'm looking forward to this game! <3
I hope you are doing well! 


I'd have to agree with diane7345, I am inclide to pre-order, however, I've pre-ordered before, just to have the game not get released. I've also noticed that last update was in January 30th, 2018, it's now on the cusp of 2019, could you at least tell us if the game will be released sometime in 2019 or not? Or give us an update in development, considering pre-order is an option, I'm assuming the game is almost complete. 

I agree completely and totally.


when is the full game going to be released or when you pre order you get the full game??


can you tell me when its going to be a full game

Can you make a android one

ah, I also agree with this request...^^ my laptop broke down...and all I have is my phone right now. Hehe...

I really like this.

Thank you^^

Is there a tentative release month? 

Hello! I'm not giving the release date anymore because I don't want to disappoint anyone in case it gets postponed again. I'm sorry :( Me and my artist are working hard to bring the game to life though. I'll keep you updated if there are any major developments!

Hey, I buoght this thinking it was the full game. I still want to play the demo but I would like a estimated relese point. I watched a video of the demo and I'm really interested in this. I was a little disapointed when i found out I had bought the demo. I have two things I'd lke to know...

1. Estimated release date. (I wont be disapointed  so please just tell us)

2. How much the full game is going to be 

thank you

The full game costs $14,99

is what you said somewhere. I bought something for 15$ so have I pre-ordered the game?

Okay yeah, I just played the demo. This whole Extended demo thing.... What's that about? How do I get it? Does it cost extra. OH GOD. I'm stacking you with questions. So sorry. But I guess what I really wanna know is theese things if you could get back to me about them;

When the full game will be released

If it will cost money even though I bought the demo (or did I pre-buy the game? I payed $15) 

  How much it will cost if yes to the last question.

How I can get the extended demo.

And last if the extended demo costs extra

I'm so sorry for taking your time. I love this your doing amazing! Keep up the great work. Thank you. ThAnK yOu. THanK You. THANK YOU!


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Wow, you guy move it to renpy, I'm so glad (I don't like Unity so...)

But it's been a long time and no update so I'm kind of worry...

Hi :) Yes, Renpy is a lot better for my purposes than Unity! Also, please don't be worried, I'm still working on the game^^ It's a lot slower since I have a day job now, but the game will be released for sure.

When is the release date?


Hello! This year for sure, but we don't have a concrete date yet. Everything depends on how fast our artist finishes all the graphics.


Any updates on a possible release date? I checked twitter and the forum but didn't see anything (if I'm blind I'm sorry) and the patreon page is still down for review (fingers crossed that gets resolved for you soon). 


Hello! I want to release this year for sure, but I don't have a concrete date yet, sorry.  And thank you, I hope I'll get our Patreon back soon!

Can't wait to see a Pre-Order here on ^__^

Deluxe version with Artbook would be great!

I actually just emailed Laz about that! I was told it would be available for pre-order shortly.  Can't wait to play the new demo ^^

Okay,Thanks :)

*waiting for new demo*

Typhon013, thank you very much for writing on my behalf! Violette, great idea with the deluxe edition, I made it available as well :) I'll make an official announcement tomorrow because I want to change the main page a bit before that.

*happy dance*
Thanks a lot for the Deluxe version ^__^

Thank you for your purchase :)

(1 edit)

Loved the demo! Can't wait for the full release! Will the game be free or commercial?

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it^^ The game will be commercial. It will cost $15.

A little suggestion to fix the auto-save part, tho; because it doesn't work after 2 first attempt of loading.

Anyhow, Haru with his witty remarks and quirks, has already captured me to wait for this vn final version ^^

Tbh, what really piques the my humor and interest  are those three chances to reconsider Shina/the glasses guy for Love Interest and unexpected Yandere Route xD

Thank you for the hint! I'm making the game in a different program now, so hopefully there will be no such issues.

I'm glad you enjoyed the demo despite its issues^^ Haha, hopefully there will be more surprises like these in the game :)

Can't wait to play this game! Asspecially that Megane Boo's route xD Keep on creating games like this, All the Best (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Yay, he's my favorite character too (aside from Haru) :D Thank you~ His route will be ready soon for testing.


(○口○ ) Senpai Noticed Me! б (>ε<)∂ Yes Haru is extremely adorable, I just revere his sarcasm, he's a riot . Can't wait to play this Mysterious Megane's route ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>╰(⊡-⊡)و  ✨

Haha, I hope it will fulfill your expectations :)

This is neat ! I had a good time with the demo, can't wait to Trickster to release and see what's gonna happen :) Nice characteristics, nice art, nice story :) Good luck with your work Lazuli ! 

Thank you so much! I'm very happy you enjoyed the game^^

I really do love this demo, I just want to play the game when it comes out and I would be more than willing to pay/ contribute ^^ I think it's so amazing that you're creating this, there aren't enough BL visual novels out there :3 So honestly, thank you thank you thank you! ^^ 

Hello! Thank you so much for the words of encouragement :) I'm always extremely happy when someone enjoys the game. It gives me the strength to carry on^^ And if you wish to receive information on the game, you can send your email to or follow me on Twitter. Those who contributed $30 or more during the Kickstarter campaign are going to be testing the first route soon, so I hope to release the full game this year, or at the beginning of the next :)


This game, well, more likely the demo for now, is really amazing! I never really enjoyed playing these type of games myself, but Trickster is surely an exception! I found myself losing track of time and wanting more, keep up the great work!

I'd honestly like to become maybe slight friends with you? I mean, you seem like a good person, plus you like yaoi, you can't be bad, lol, but I guess that's asking a bit too much heh.

Anyway! I'm really looking forward to this game! Sending love and support~ <3


Ooh, thank you for such kind words <3 I'm honored that you want to be friends with me! Do you have Skype or Steam? We could chat there^^ If you don't want to write personal information here, please send me an email:, or you can follow me on Twitter (I'll follow you back):

I have skype! It's GiGiNii, I have the same profile picture as here!

Honor is on my side, I'm really glad!

Awesome! Contact request sent :)

I really enjoyed playing the demo!  I grew to really enjoy Haru's sass, and it made me wish more otome heroines had his similar attitude instead of acting like damsels. 

Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed it^^ Yeah, I love strong-willed main characters!

Honestly, when I was searching for BL games at 2am out of boredom, I never thought I could run into such a great game! I fell in love with Haru the very first moment I saw him, his design his just the right place in me! About the dialogs, I can't say anything else beside loving them too! They're unusual, but enjoyable! I'm looking forward to the full game so much! Hope you had fun making this game as much as I had playing the demo!

Thank you so much! I'm very happy you enjoyed playing the game. Yes, making it is so much fun! I love writing dialogue and drawing the characters^^ It'll come out before the end of 2017 and it'll be quite a long game. I hope you'll find some time to play it them :)

Hi! Me and my sister loved the game and we are super excited to play the full game.  

And, could you please answer us a question? Had you inspired the characters in someone or something or are they totally original?

Thank you =)

Hello :) Thank you, I'm glad you both liked it!

Yes, some are based on people I know. E.g. Haru's mom is based on my own mom. She's always been very supportive of me, no matter what I did. I've always felt a lot of love from her. I want to show this good relationship in the game, that is, between Haru and his mom. Also, Haru's insecurities are partly my own. I read that "you should write from your core wounds", so I'm trying that out now. As for the other guys, they are partly influenced by many anime series I've seen and partly by me being tired of the usual anime tropes :)

Super cool!! Iam even more anxious to play the game now!!

I hope that when it comes out, you'll have just as much fun playing as I have making it^^

Hello :) I just wanted to say how great your game is. I'm really enjoying it a lot :D            and I just wanted to ask if you have any idea about when you might be releasing the full game ?

Hi! Thank you so much for the kind words :) The game will come out before the end of 2017 for sure. It grew during the development and I still have many things I need to implement/finish. I might even try to get the funding for voice acting^^

Wow it sounds better and better :) I'm really looking forward to it :D Good luck with everything :D

Thank you! <3

I just love how bulling hipsters is included in the description LOL

haha, yeah, it's actually a feature :D

brilliant :'D hi5! went up to pretoria(one of our major cities) a little while ago and they were EVERYWHERE. Telling me constantly how i should start vaping and yada yada hipster crap bla bla and i was like please. stahp before i punch you.

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